Attention shoppers! Before you slip into those brand new clothes you just bought, here’s a friendly reminder: it’s safer to wash them first. You never know what you might find lurking on those store racks.

We all know that clothes go through many hands before they reach us. And while that may not be a big deal most of the time, it does mean that they could be carrying a whole lot of unseen germs. The thought of how many people might have tried on that same shirt before you can be a bit unsettling.

But let me tell you a story that will make you think twice about slipping into new clothes without washing them. One woman, Ellen Danz, was browsing the clothing rack at a store when she made a shocking discovery. As she casually looked through the clothes, she noticed something that sent shivers down her spine – cobwebs! That’s right, cobwebs covering the clothes.

You might be thinking, “Okay, cobwebs are one thing, but how bad could it be?” Well, brace yourself because it gets even worse. Not only were the clothes covered in cobwebs, but they were also infested with spider eggs. And to top it all off, there was a huge spider hanging out at the end of the rack.

Naturally, Ellen couldn’t contain her shock and let out a scream. I mean, who would expect to find spiders and their eggs hiding in their new underwear? The video of her discovery went viral on TikTok, and people were understandably upset. It served as a wake-up call for many, highlighting the importance of washing new clothes before wearing them.

In the video, you can see Ellen touching the clothes with her bare hands, which surprised a lot of viewers. Some even exclaimed, “Why are you touching the spiderwebs?!” It’s not every day you see someone brave enough to handle creepy crawlers like that.

After her shocking experience, Ellen made a promise to her followers. She announced that the branch where she found the spider-infested clothes had been closed down. So, if you were worried about shopping there, don’t worry anymore. But it did make viewers wonder what they would have done if they had come across a similar situation. Some even questioned why pest management hadn’t been called to handle the issue.

So, let’s learn from Ellen Danz’s experience. It’s time to take a moment before slipping into those new clothes and give them a good wash. You never know what surprises might be hiding in the fabric. Stay safe and happy shopping!

“Don’t waste your time shopping here; it closed down a week later.” – Ellen Danz