Picture this: a former U.S. President, nearing his 100th birthday, still stirring the pot with his final wishes. Yes, you heard it right! Jimmy Carter, the remarkable man who served as president from 1977 to 1981, is showing us how to make an exit with flair. Even as he receives hospice care, Carter refuses to let go of his passion for shaking things up in the political arena.

Now, if you thought Carter’s last wish would be something as mundane as world peace or a Nobel Prize, think again. The evergreen statesman wants something deliciously spicy. He wants to see something “provocative that might make history different.” Talk about leaving us curious!

Hold onto your hats, folks, because the plot thickens. Jimmy Carter’s grandson, James Carter, recently revealed that his grandfather is rooting for Kamala Harris in the upcoming presidential race. That’s right, Carter is all geared up to vote for Harris, wishing to see her step into the Oval Office. And get this – early voting in Georgia for the 2024 election kicks off on October 15th, so time is of the essence.

Despite battling health issues like melanoma, Carter’s enthusiasm for humanitarian causes has never waned. Known for his dedication to building homes for Habitat for Humanity, Carter embodies a spirit that is both resilient and inspiring.

In 2023, after a series of hospital visits, Carter opted for hospice care. These days, he’s surrounded by those who hold him dear, focusing on his comfort and peace. But make no mistake, his mind is as sharp as ever, buzzing with ideas and aspirations.

From his presidency where he championed energy conservation to his tireless public service endeavors post-office, Jimmy Carter leaves behind a legacy that’s tough to beat. His call for a provocative, history-altering event as his swansong? Classic Carter. A man who never stopped pushing boundaries, even in his final chapter.