It is a heartbreaking tale of a young boy, Andrew AJ Freund, who lost his life just months after reaching out for help. Today, his parents face murder charges, shedding light on the horrors he endured. This chilling story sheds light on the importance of recognizing and addressing child abuse.

Back in December, an anonymous tip reached the authorities in Illinois, alerting them to Andrew’s distressing situation. Concerned, the police visited Andrew’s home to check on his well-being. During their visit, they noticed a severe bruise on the five-year-old’s hip. When questioned, Andrew initially attributed the injury to the family dog.

However, doubts lingered in the attending doctor’s mind. While attempting to draw more information from the young boy at the emergency room, the doctor pressed further. And then came a chilling revelation that shattered any notion that the dog was responsible: “Maybe someone hit me with a belt,” Andrew disclosed to the doctor. “Maybe Mommy didn’t mean to hurt me.”

Deeply concerned, the doctor promptly reported the incident to the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). However, the exact cause of the injury remained undetermined due to conflicting explanations. The doctor’s report mentioned that the bruise could have been caused by “a dog, belt, or football.” Unfortunately, lacking concrete evidence, the case was closed a month later.

Tragically, just four months after sharing his truth, Andrew was found dead. His lifeless body was discovered wrapped in plastic and buried in a shallow grave. Now, his parents, Andrew Freund Sr., 60, and JoAnn Cunningham, 36, face murder charges in connection with the death of their own son.

The pathologist’s examination revealed that Andrew died from head trauma resulting from a blunt force injury. This revelation further magnifies the urgency to recognize and act upon signs of abuse.

DCFS had a substantial record on Andrew and his family. With their extensive documentation, it has become evident that the authorities had been in contact with Cunningham and Freund Sr. on numerous occasions. Between June 2015 and March 2016, DCFS agents visited the family home 17 times to check on Andrew’s well-being. During these visits, no evidence of abuse was found, leaving everything seemingly in order.

However, last week, DCFS received another hotline call from an anonymous source, indicating neglect concerning Andrew. Interestingly, this call came on the same day Andrew’s parents reported him missing. Following police investigation, the parents ultimately revealed the location of Andrew’s shallow grave in Woodstock, approximately ten miles away from their Crystal Lake home.

It is essential to note that DCFS had previously intervened in Cunningham’s life back in 2012 due to alleged prescription drug abuse and neglect of her foster child. These incidents predate Andrew’s birth, but they offer an alarming glimpse into his troubled upbringingā€”a household tainted by “environmental neglect and injurious environment” for Cunningham’s eldest son.

From the moment Andrew came into this world, he faced an uphill battle. Both Cunningham and Andrew tested positive for opiates and benzodiazepines upon his birth. As a result, he spent eight months separated from his birth parents before being reunited with them.

The question that remains is what kind of punishment should be brought upon these parents responsible for the life-altering tragedy they inflicted upon their own child?