Keanu Reeves, the beloved actor known for his roles in action-packed films like The Matrix and the John Wick series, recently shared an unfortunate incident that occurred while filming his latest project, Good Fortune.

Keanu Reeves reveals serious injury he suffered recently while filming latest movie

During an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Reeves described how he broke his kneecap while simply walking into a dressing room. The incident may seem innocuous, but it left the actor in pain and temporarily sidelined from filming.

Reeves playfully responded to Colbert’s inquiry about how the injury happened. He explained that he, along with co-stars Aziz Ansari and Seth Rogen, had just finished filming a scene in a cold plunge. Feeling the effects of the cold, Reeves started what he jokingly referred to as the “cold shuffle” in a room with protective carpets. Unfortunately, his foot got caught in a pocket, causing his knee to give way and resulting in a cracked kneecap.

As he demonstrated the incident to Colbert, Reeves humorously added, “Comedy is hard, man.” It’s worth noting that this particular film was a comedy, not the action-packed genre he is typically known for.

Reeves was later spotted filming while on crutches in January, with an ice pack on his knee. However, the good news is that he has since recovered from his injury. Good Fortune, in which Reeves serves as both a co-producer and writer, marks Aziz Ansari’s directorial debut and also features Sandra Oh and Keke Palmer.

Be sure to share this update with fellow Keanu Reeves fans who may be wondering how he’s doing these days! And remember, even our favorite celebrities are not immune to unexpected mishaps. Stay safe out there!


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