When it comes to being a judge on the hit show The Voice, having a talent for singing is a must. While all the judges possess this skill and excel at coaching their singers, they are not hired to make political statements. However, recently, Kelly Clarkson and the legendary singer John Legend faced backlash for offering criticism to the patriotic song “God Bless The USA” – a critique that no one had asked for.

Kelly Clarkson And John Legend

On The Voice, it is not uncommon for the coaches to share their opinions. They are there to guide their singers through challenging times and help them elevate their performances. These judges have to put their personal feelings aside and handle various difficult situations. However, when Kelly Clarkson and John Legend expressed their views about “God Bless The USA,” it struck a nerve with fans, resulting in thousands of negative comments on Twitter.

It is important to note that the choice of this particular song was bound to be controversial. In a politically divided country, even the National Anthem itself sparks debates. By performing “God Bless The USA,” singer Gyth Rigdon knowingly invited controversy. While Clarkson and Legend provided valid criticisms regarding the vocals and performance, things became heated when they also questioned the song choice. However, they did acknowledge the significance of the song to Gyth.

Gyth made it difficult for the judges to offer any criticism by performing the patriotic song on a stage adorned with red, white, and blue scarves, using America as his defense. Even Clarkson herself admitted that Gyth’s performance was an obvious tactic. She later commented to Country Living, saying, “I feel like you can’t critique this song or you’re going to hell or something.”

Despite her reservations, Clarkson did not shy away from delivering her criticism. She told Gyth, “I will say, this is not my favorite vocal of yours this season because I think you are a ridiculously talented vocalist.” She went on to explain that the song consists of sustained notes that are typically sung in unison by a large crowd. While it may not have been her favorite, she appreciated that Gyth chose a meaningful song that had not been previously performed on the show.

John Legend also chimed in, affirming Clarkson’s perspective. He stated, “I agree with Kelly that this wasn’t your greatest vocal performance, but it was very strong, and I felt the energy and the emotion.”

However, it is clear that the general public did not agree with the judges’ opinions. The backlash on Twitter suggests that their criticisms were not well-received. What are your thoughts on The Voice judges’ criticism of this performance? Do you believe Twitter went too hard on them?