Kourtney Kardashian is known for her hands-on approach to motherhood, and her choice to practice attachment parenting with her and Travis Barker’s son, Rocky, is no exception. Attachment parenting is a child-rearing method that emphasizes physical touch and closeness between the mother and infant. This includes extended breastfeeding and co-sleeping, which Kourtney believes helps create a strong bond with her baby.

During an episode of The Kardashians, Kourtney shared her decision to stay at home with Rocky for 40 days after his birth. She explained that in many cultures, women don’t leave the house during this time to allow their bodies to heal. Kourtney also expressed her dedication to attachment parenting, stating that she doesn’t separate from her baby. She has created a “blissful baby bubble” at home to focus on taking care of Rocky and strengthening their bond.

As a mother of four, including Mason, Penelope, and Reign, Kourtney is no stranger to attachment parenting. She practiced the same philosophy with her older children, and she values the deep connection it fosters between parent and child. Kourtney believes in taking the time to nurture her baby and prioritize their bond, rather than focusing on losing the weight she gained during pregnancy.

Instead of putting pressure on herself to quickly “bounce back” and adhere to a strict diet, Kourtney’s main focus is nourishing her body and maintaining a healthy milk supply for breastfeeding. She understands the importance of taking her time and listening to her body’s needs during this special time.

Kourtney’s dedication to attachment parenting is evident in the loving moments she shares with Rocky. From beach days to special celebrations, Kourtney and Travis cherish their time with their baby boy. Travis even took to Instagram to celebrate Kourtney on her first Mother’s Day with Rocky, expressing his gratitude for her love and devotion to their children.

As Kourtney continues her attachment parenting journey with Rocky, she exemplifies the joy and fulfillment that comes from nurturing a deep and loving bond with her baby.