Self-checkout machines have become increasingly popular among retailers, with many national chains such as Walmart and CVS adopting them. While these machines are supposed to increase efficiency and help customers get in and out of stores quickly, they often come with a host of problems that can ruin your day. In fact, there is something important you need to know about self-checkout lanes that goes beyond just being an annoyance.

According to Sylvain Charlebois, director of the Agri-Food Analytics Lab at Dalhousie University, the main reason behind the introduction of self-checkout machines was to save money on labor costs, rather than providing a better experience for customers. And it turns out that customers have never liked them from the beginning.

Retailers can save up to sixty-six percent by replacing a cashier with a self-checkout machine, which is why companies like Walmart and Target are investing heavily in them. However, these machines often malfunction and require the assistance of a human worker to get customers through the checkout process. In fact, a study reported by CNN found that as many as 67 percent of shoppers using self-checkout machines experienced issues with their functionality.

Moreover, due to the higher-than-expected costs associated with self-checkout machines, some retailers are resorting to accusing innocent customers of theft or shoplifting in order to make more money. Criminal defense attorney Carrie Jernigan recently warned her 1.2 million followers on TikTok about the dangers of using self-checkout machines. Jernigan revealed that big box stores like Walmart show no mercy to customers who may have accidentally forgotten to pay for an item or left it in their cart. These stores are going after their own customers to ensure the profitability of the self-checkout machines.

The reality is that big-box businesses won’t take the time to figure out if you made a mistake or did it intentionally. They will watch hours of surveillance footage to find the last person who checked out with a specific item, and without much evidence, they can file charges that could potentially land you in jail for up to a year. It’s a frightening situation where innocent customers have to fight for their freedom over a simple shopping mistake.

All in all, it is clear that using self-checkout machines comes with significant risks. If you want to avoid unnecessary trouble, it’s best to steer clear of these machines and opt for the traditional checkout lanes instead. By doing so, you can ensure a smoother, stress-free shopping experience without the worry of being accused of a crime you did not commit.