Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we question our own actions. This was the case for a woman who turned to Reddit seeking advice on whether she was wrong for how she reacted to her boyfriend “conveniently” forgetting his credit card every time they went out to eat.

The woman shared that her boyfriend’s children loved eating at restaurants, so they would go out once a week. However, on these outings, her boyfriend would constantly forget his card, leaving her to foot the bill. At first, it didn’t bother her too much, but after paying for dinner multiple times in the previous month, she found herself financially strained.

One night, after the woman had just received payment from her part-time job, they were going out to eat with the children again. Knowing her boyfriend’s tendency to forget his wallet, she sent him a reminder text. When they arrived at the restaurant, her boyfriend’s children started ordering expensive items off the menu. Concerned, the woman asked her boyfriend if he had brought his wallet this time. To her dismay, he had forgotten it once again.

Feeling frustrated and taken advantage of, the woman decided she had had enough. She gathered her belongings and prepared to leave the restaurant without eating dinner. Her boyfriend, baffled by her actions, demanded to know what she was doing. She explained that she was not willing to pay for him and his children again, as it didn’t feel fair to her.

Later, her boyfriend called her and accused her of being selfish for leaving him and their children in that situation. He argued that she had shown no sympathy for their hunger. However, the woman stood her ground, stating that she could not continue to shoulder the financial burden each time. She felt it was important for them to set boundaries together as a couple.

This situation serves as a reminder that boundaries are an integral part of any relationship. It is essential to communicate openly and honestly with our partners about our needs and expectations. By setting boundaries, we can create a healthier and more balanced dynamic in our relationships.