Patrick Swayze’s Widow, Lisa, Reveals Actor’s First Subtle Symptoms Of Pancreatic Cancer

After the passing of her husband, Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi Swayze made it her mission to raise awareness about pancreatic cancer. Since 2009, she has dedicated her life to preserving her late husband’s memory and educating others about the signs of this devastating disease. Despite the loss, Lisa continues to fight for Patrick and others affected by pancreatic cancer.

Patrick and Lisa

Recognizing the Early Symptoms

Patrick Swayze was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2007, and sadly, he passed away within two years. Lisa reveals that his first subtle symptoms were yellow eyes and stomach issues. Concerned about his health, Patrick approached Lisa and asked if his eyes looked yellow. Recognizing that this was not a normal sign, Lisa insisted they visit the doctor the next day.

The doctor wasted no time and immediately ordered a CT scan after seeing Patrick. The waiting period for the results was agonizing for both of them. Lisa recalls the tough moments when their lives suddenly changed.

Patrick Swayze's Diagnosis

A Battle Against the Odds

Following an endoscopic treatment, Patrick was officially diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Lisa shares that most doctors prepare patients for the worst because this type of cancer is notoriously difficult to treat. However, Patrick and Lisa refused to accept their fate. They fought the disease for as long as his body would allow, cherishing every moment they had together. Despite the journey’s challenges, they believed it was worth it, knowing they had more time together.

On September 14, 2009, Patrick Swayze passed away, twenty months after his cancer diagnosis.

Patrick Swayze

Continuing the Fight

Since that heartbreaking day, Lisa Niemi Swayze has continued her efforts to raise awareness about pancreatic cancer. Since 2010, she has collaborated with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network and advocated for increased research funding on Capitol Hill. She firmly believes that the fight against pancreatic cancer did not end with Patrick’s passing; she carries it on for him.

Lisa’s commitment to raising awareness about this devastating and difficult-to-treat disease is commendable. It is vital for everyone to know the early signs of pancreatic cancer. Please share this information to spread awareness and support the fight against this horrible disease.