Amanda Cox is a dedicated preschool teacher who goes above and beyond for her students. Unfortunately, like many teachers in America, she doesn’t receive enough funding from the government to provide all the necessary resources. However, Amanda always finds creative ways to make sure her students have what they need.

One day, while handing out pencils to her students, Amanda realized she didn’t have enough. Thankfully, she remembered a little boy in her class who always had extra pencils. She asked him if she could borrow some for the other students, and he agreed, but with one condition – she had to return them by the end of the day.

As Amanda began sharpening the pencils, she noticed they were covered in red writing. These messages were inspiring affirmations, reminding the boy how special and unique he was. Amanda was not only touched but also inspired by these messages. They said things like “You are so talented,” “This will be a great year,” and “You are creative.”

Curious to see if all the pencils were the same, Amanda approached the boy to inspect the rest of his writing utensils. To her surprise, every single pencil was marked with an inspiring message. Messages like “Never give up”, “You can do this”, and “You are very knowledgeable” were written on each pencil. It was clear that the boy’s parents had put a lot of effort into making these pencils special.

Amanda was delighted to see how much this child was loved and supported by his parents. She couldn’t help but share the story on Facebook, along with a picture of the pencils. She wanted to highlight the simple yet powerful way this child’s parents were making a positive impact on his life with just a few words of encouragement.

The messages on the pencils were:

  • You are so talented.
  • This will be a great year.
  • You are creative.
  • You are phenomenal.
  • Never give up.
  • You can do this.
  • You are very knowledgeable.
  • You are intelligent.
  • Proud of you every day.
  • I love you!
  • You have a brilliant mind.
  • You are wonderful.
  • You are a problem solver.
  • Follow your dreams.
  • You are perfect.
  • I love you!
  • I am proud of you.
  • You will change the world.
  • You are amazing.
  • You are the best.
  • You are important.

When Amanda shared the photo on Facebook, the story touched the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people. The simple act of writing positive messages on pencils inspired others and reminded everyone of the power of encouragement.