Little Johnny, a diligent employee, finds himself being summoned to his boss’s office. Nervously, he responds with a quick “Yes sir!” and heads over. His boss wastes no time in expressing his dissatisfaction, stating, “Little Johnny, I saw you arguing with the customer that just left. I have told you before that the customer is always right. Do you understand me?”

Little Johnny, with an apologetic tone, replies, “Yes sir, the customer is always right.”

Curious about the altercation, the boss asks, “So what were you arguing about with that customer?”

Little Johnny’s response takes his boss by surprise. He says, “He said my boss is stupid and an idiot, sir!”

Infuriated, the boss exclaims, “That bastard! What did you say to him?”

With a mischievous grin, Little Johnny replies, “I told him he’s right!”

In a classroom, a teacher is imparting her knowledge of biology to a group of attentive 3rd grade students. Explaining an interesting fact, she declares that humans are the only animals capable of stuttering.

Suddenly, a little girl in the back raises her hand, eager to share her unique experience. She confidently proclaims, “No ma’am, I had a cat who stuttered!”

Intrigued by this unexpected revelation, the teacher eagerly asks the girl to elaborate.

With excitement radiating from her, the little girl stands up and begins her tale. She says, “Well, we had this big tabby cat that enjoyed teasing the rottweiler next door. One day, the rottweiler managed to escape its confines and leaped over the fence towards our cat. In that moment, my cat started saying fff, fff, fff, but before she could finish saying bang, the rottweiler devoured her!”

The classroom erupts in laughter, as the students find humor in the little girl’s storytelling skills and the unfortunate fate of her stuttering cat.