Little Johnny, always full of questions, approached his father one day with a puzzling inquiry. He asked, “Dad, why do grown-ups like to exercise in bed?” His mother, quietly busy in the kitchen, couldn’t help but eavesdrop on their conversation, waiting to hear what her husband had to say.

With a smile, Johnny’s father replied, “Well, Johnny, exercising in bed often brings joy to grown-ups.” Johnny thought about this for a moment and said, “I want to be happy too, Dad.”

Johnny’s father, trying to explain patiently, told him, “Well, Johnny, you have to wait until you’re a grown-up too. Then, you can exercise in bed and feel that happiness for yourself.” Little Johnny, still pondering, asked another question, “But Dad, who will exercise with me when I grow up?”

Taking a moment, Johnny’s father replied, “When you get married, hopefully your wife will be your exercise partner.” Johnny seemed satisfied with his father’s response, but then he hesitated and asked, “Dad, how come our neighbor Sally exercises with you?”

At that moment, Johnny’s mother rushed out of the kitchen, clearly concerned. However, she quickly gathered herself and called for an ambulance, which arrived just 10 minutes later.