Do you ever notice how children often look like their parents? It’s a proud moment for any parent when they see their own features reflected in their children’s faces. It’s a powerful reminder of the genetics they pass down.

But sometimes, the resemblance between parents and children goes beyond what is typically seen. In these incredible pictures, the likeness is uncanny, making you think they are looking at a mirror image. We’ve gathered some of the most striking examples to show you just how strong the power of genetics can be.

1. “My dad and me, 38 years apart”

2. “My dad and his friend 30 years ago vs his son and me today”

3. “My husband (1978) and daughter (2012)”

4. “Me at 20 vs my dad at 18”

5. “My father and me in 1980, and my son and me in 2018”

6. This is remarkable

7. “My mom and me in saris as teenagers”

8. “My dad’s Lebanese passport pic (early 1980s) and my youngest brother in the present day”

9. “My brother and his son in 1998 and 2020”

10. “Dad in 1972 vs me in 2000”

11. “Split (left: me, right: my mom)”

12. “My dad on the right in the 1980s vs me on the left in 2015”

13. “My daughter at age 2 in 1998 on the left and my granddaughter at age 2 in 2019 on the right”

14. “Me in the ’70s and my son a few years ago — I thank my mom for the bangs!”

15. “My mom (who’s Sicilian) vs me (who’s Finnish and English)”

16. “My mom and me in 2005 vs me now — everyone says I look exactly like her when she was a teenager.”

17. “My little clone! My son and me, 33 years apart. I’m his mom, by the way.”

18. “My sister and me in 1984-ish vs my daughters now”

19. My dad and me, both at age 24 and wearing the same glasses

20. “This is my 9-month-old daughter vs a picture of myself at 9 months.”