The world has been captivated by the incredible story of Lori and George Schappell, the oldest conjoined twins at the age of 62. Sadly, we mourn their recent passing.

Born with partially fused skulls and sharing 30% of their brain, Lori and George defied expectations from the start. Doctors initially believed they would not live past the age of 30, but the twins proved them wrong, living twice as long and more.

September 18, 1961, marked the day Lori and George entered the world, and from that moment on, they embarked on a unique journey filled with their own individual interests and vibrant personalities.

Lori excelled as a 10-pin bowler, while George pursued a career as a country and western singer. Later in life, George would also undergo a transformative journey, embracing his true identity as a transgender man. He courageously shared, “I have known from a very young age that I should have been a boy. I loved playing with trains and hated girly outfits. I kept my desire to change sex hidden – even from Lori – for many years.”

Revealing this truth to his sister was not an easy task for George. However, Lori responded with unwavering support, stating, “Obviously, it was a shock when Dori changed to George, but I am so proud of him. It was a huge decision, but we have overcome so much in our lives, and together we are such a strong team. Nothing can break that.”

Navigating personal relationships also presented unique challenges for the twins. They respected each other’s need for privacy when it came to dating, ensuring that they gave each other space and even ignoring any displays of affection that involved facing each other.

George faced additional difficulties due to his spina bifida, while Lori had a fully able-bodied existence. The two found strength in each other despite these physical differences.

As we reflect on the lives of Lori and George Schappell, we acknowledge that this must be an incredibly difficult time for their family and friends. We send our deepest condolences and wish them strength and peace during this challenging period.