After Dog Gets Hit By Car, Brutal Sign Has Entire Neighborhood Talking

We all love our dogs and consider them to be part of our family. So, imagine the devastation when our beloved canine companions are hurt or worse, in a terrible accident. The pain we feel is immeasurable because losing a cherished pet hits us deep in our souls.

Regrettably, this is a reality that many people have faced, having to bury their dogs due to careless drivers. The author of this article understands this heartbreak all too well.

One grieving family decided to take a stand and erected a sign on their lawn that left everyone in the neighborhood stunned. It wasn’t a polite notice. In fact, some would even consider it a threat.

The sign boldly proclaimed, “We buried our dog last week because you won’t slow down. If you hit one of my kids, your family may be burying you.” This powerful message sent shockwaves through the community.

Dog Crossing Sign

The picture of the sign was shared on social media platforms, such as Reddit and Facebook, where it sparked a flurry of passionate responses.

“I can never understand why people insist on speeding through neighborhoods or parking lots”, one Reddit user commented. “Seriously, what’s the logic in that?”

Many users on Facebook also supported the family’s message, expressing their frustration with reckless drivers. One user stated, “Love the sign. People drive way too fast in neighborhoods. Anything over 20 mph is too fast. We have kids on bikes and playing in their yards. Accidents can happen. The problem is that people are reckless idiots. Plain and simple.”

Another person empathized with the message, sharing a personal story. “Damn straight! One of my dogs got away from me, and the woman who ran over him didn’t even slow down. It could have been a child.”

However, not everyone agreed with the dog owner’s approach. Some believed that the responsibility lies with pet owners to keep their dogs under control.

“I don’t feel sorry for them one bit. I have the same problem in my neighborhood. Everyone thinks it’s a free-range country for dogs and cats”, one person commented. “My dogs do not leave my property without my permission.”

While opinions may differ, one thing is clear: the issue of speeding in residential areas is a widespread concern that needs to be addressed. Tragic accidents like these serve as harsh reminders that we must prioritize the safety of our furry friends and our children.

Dog Crossing Sign

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time a sign like this has appeared in our communities. Seven years ago, Kevin Jackman from Middletown, New Jersey, took a similarly bold approach to confront the issue.

Seeing cars speed past his house, even though children played nearby, Kevin’s frustration grew. Determined to make a difference, he created a sign that would grab attention and have a lasting impact. The sign read, “Last week, my dog was tragically struck because you chose not to slow down. If you hit a child, your family will be left burying you.”

Kevin claims the inspiration for his sign came from a social media post, perhaps a previous Reddit incident.

We invite you to share your thoughts on the matter. Who do you side with, the concerned dog owners or those urging responsible pet ownership? Leave a comment below and let us know your perspective!

Dog Crossing Sign