Have you ever wondered what human meat tastes like? It’s a strange thought, considering that most people eat the meat of animals. Normally, finding out what human meat tastes like is illegal, but there are exceptions.

In a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” thread, a user known as IncrediblyShinyShart shared a rather bizarre story. After having his foot amputated, he decided to keep it rather than having it thrown away. And what did he do with it? He made tacos!

“I taste like buffalo, but chewier. Super beefy and little fat,” he revealed when asked about the taste. Surprisingly, his friends were not put off by the idea and were willing to try the tacos made from his own foot. However, not everyone was as adventurous as him. “I had one person back out, and it’s totally understandable,” he explained.

But how did this strange idea come about? It turns out, IncrediblyShinyShart and his friends had always joked about trying human flesh if it were ethical and healthy. When the opportunity presented itself, he called them on it. And thus, the peculiar meal came to be.

The amputation of his foot was the result of a motorcycle accident, which left him unable to use it. Originally, he had wanted to have his foot taxidermied or freeze-dried, but those options didn’t work out for him. Instead, a chef marinated the meat overnight and sautéed it with onions, peppers, salt, pepper, and lime juice. The final result was served on corn tortillas with a tomatillo sauce. The recipe was aptly named “Human Shin Fajitas.”

It’s definitely weird, and certainly not for everyone, but this unusual story captures the curiosity and adventurous spirit of IncrediblyShinyShart and his friends. It’s a reminder that sometimes, even the strangest ideas can bring people together and create memorable experiences.