In the fast-paced world of digital communication, the idea of having an empty email inbox, known as “Inbox Zero,” is often seen as a sign of prompt and thorough attention to messages. However, not everyone, including public figures, adheres to this practice. Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has recently faced scrutiny over her inbox management, with revelations from a new book shedding light on her habits and the challenges she faces in staying accessible.

AOC's Texting Habits Are Going Viral For The Wrong Reasons

A Glimpse Behind the Scenes

Ryan Grim’s book, “The Squad: AOC and the Hope of a Political Revolution,” reveals that even a year after her primary victory in 2018, AOC still had almost 800 unread texts in her inbox. This insight offers a glimpse into the difficulties that members of Congress encounter when it comes to managing their digital correspondence.

Texting During a Pivotal Moment

In June 2019, AOC exchanged text messages with reporter Ryan Grim about Tiffany Cabán’s progressive campaign for Queens District Attorney. Cabán, an ally of AOC, was in a close race with a candidate supported by the political establishment. AOC expressed her astonishment at the unfolding events and offered her assistance to Cabán in handling the influx of texts and calls. She even humorously acknowledged that she still had unanswered texts from her own primary day.

AOC shared a screenshot with Grim, revealing an astounding 795 unread texts, most of which dated back to her primary victory over Rep. Joe Crowley. She candidly remarked that they were still from the primary. Despite her overwhelming digital correspondence, she remained hopeful for Cabán’s success.

Challenges Beyond the Inbox

The book also explores AOC’s early days as a member of Congress, with former aides recounting instances where she struggled to return calls and messages promptly, which was considered unusual in the political world. According to an unnamed House Democratic leadership aide, there were times when AOC simply did not return calls, something unprecedented in politics.

Corbin Trent, AOC’s first communications director, shed further light on her accessibility challenges. He explained that AOC was cautious about giving access and preferred to keep her interactions guarded. Trent emphasized that it was true that she never called anyone back.

Dan Riffle, a top aide to AOC from 2019 to 2021, highlighted that even heads of state sometimes did not receive timely responses due to the sheer volume of messages AOC receives. This highlights the practical impossibility of addressing every communication promptly.

A Unique Perspective on Digital Demands

In summary, AOC’s inbox management and accessibility challenges provide us with a unique perspective on the demands faced by public figures in the digital age. Balancing their roles as lawmakers and communicators in this fast-paced era is no easy feat. The revelations from the book humanize the experiences of a prominent congresswoman as she navigates the complexities of modern communication.