Imagine being stuck in a pit, only to look up and see a bear staring back at you. Sounds like the start of a bad joke, right? Well, for Serbian influencer Stefan Janković, this was no joke—it was terrifying reality. He brought social media to a standstill with his hair-raising encounter in a viral Instagram video.

Now, you might be picturing a scene from a movie, maybe ‘The Revenant,’ where the protagonist fights for his life against a wild beast. But no, this tale is more of a modern, selfie-driven thriller filled with the sort of dubious decision-making that only the most daring influencers can exhibit.

In the video, Stefan, who is known for pushing boundaries, shows up in what can only be described as an ill-advised adventure. He finds himself cornered in a pit with a bear, and let’s just say, neither party looks particularly thrilled about the situation. The bear, being the massive, powerful creature that it is, seems ready to swipe right on this human for dinner, while Stefan, on the other hand, appears to be reconsidering all his life choices.

There are so many life lessons wrapped up in this one event. First, perhaps it’s a good idea to keep a safe distance from wild animals—no matter how many likes or followers you’re aiming to gain. Secondly, pits. If you see one, maybe just walk the other way? Call us crazy, but that sounds like sound advice.

Observing the reactions online is almost as entertaining as the video itself. Comments ranged from disbelief to outright laughter, with some people praising Stefan’s bravery and others, quite rightly, questioning his sanity. “What on earth was he thinking?” one user exclaimed. While another optimistically noted, “At least he got his shot!”

To the savvy readers among us, this entire escapade can look like a cautionary tale. Stefan’s encounter gives a whole new meaning to ‘going viral,’ with the kind of adventure many wouldn’t dream of, let alone attempt. Wild animals aren’t exactly known for their patience or appreciation of surprise visits, and bears, in particular, aren’t the kind to shy away from showing their displeasure.

However, what really makes this story buzzworthy isn’t just the potential peril—it’s also that it boldly mirrors a recurrent theme in today’s social media era: the lengths people will go to for a slice of digital fame. Self-preservation be damned, the allure of a viral moment sometimes takes precedence, and in those moments, it’s all about living on edge, isn’t it?

And while we can all enjoy a good drama-filled video from the safe confines of our homes, let’s remember to keep our escapades less life-threatening. Or, at the very least, bear-free.