Stereotypes are all around us, especially when it comes to gender. But one man is challenging these norms and breaking down barriers. Meet Mark Bryan, a 63-year-old robotics engineer living in Germany. On the surface, he may appear like any other man, but his choice of clothing has made him stand out.


Mark has gained quite a following on Instagram, with 612,000 followers. And they are not just there for his interesting fashion choices, but also for the powerful statement he is making. From the waist up, Mark dresses in traditional male clothing. But when it comes to the waist down, he proudly wears skirts and high heels.

Mark describes himself as a “straight, cis male, Porsche fan, [who] loves wearing skirts & heels daily!” He wears his unique ensembles to work, when he goes out, and even at home. His goal is simple – to challenge the notion that clothing is limited to a specific gender.

In an interview with Bored Panda, Mark shares his motivation for his unconventional style: “I dress like this because I can. Just to be different. I have always admired the women that wore tight skirts and heels. Not sexually, but the power they presented. I don’t dress to be sexual, but to dress like any professional woman would. To me, clothes have no gender.”

For Mark, wearing skirts and heels is not about sexual expression, but about embracing the power and confidence that women exhibit in their attire. He prefers skirts over dresses as they allow him to mix the genders in his outfit. Mark also sees his fashion choices as a way to expand his options. He loves the freedom of adding various colors, floral patterns, and animal prints to his skirts, unlike the limited choices available for men’s pants.

Despite assumptions linking his clothing to his sexuality, Mark emphasizes that it’s simply about the clothes. He asserts, “I feel no different as to me, it’s just clothes. Naturally, on a cold or windy day, it physically feels different. When wearing heels, I feel taller, but also empowered for some reason. In all, maybe having the inner strength to have the confidence to wear non-conforming clothing has also given me the confidence and strength to handle my pressures at work.”

Mark is thankful to have the support of his family. His wife even offers suggestions on what he should wear, and his daughter admires his impressive designer shoe collection. Moreover, he has inspired other men to experiment with non-gender-conforming clothing after seeing him on social media. Mark feels that he is making a difference by encouraging men to embrace their own unique style.

His influence goes beyond social media. Mark receives over 100 direct messages a day on Instagram, with many followers expressing their gratitude for his courage. He is a true inspiration to those who believe in breaking free from societal expectations.
