Finding the right nanny can be a challenge, but for one military mom, the search seemed to finally be over. However, what she discovered on her nanny cam left her feeling shocked and disgusted.

The mom, who is deployed in the military with her husband, turned to Reddit to share her horrifying experience. They had hired a nanny to help take care of their newborn son, but things quickly took a turn for the worse.

The first babysitter they hired had scheduling and payment issues, so they had to find a replacement in a hurry. That’s when their neighbor’s 20-year-old daughter offered to help out. The kids quickly grew to love their new nanny, and the mom was grateful for her assistance. But she soon realized that there were some red flags she had missed.

One day, the mom decided to check the nanny cam just to see what her children were up to. What she saw made her feel sick. The nanny was sitting on her bed, rocking her son and attempting to breastfeed him. This was completely inappropriate and crossed a line.

Disturbed by what she saw, the mom decided to look back at previous footage and found more unsettling details. The nanny would unplug the camera in the bedroom whenever she put the baby down for a nap and then plug it back in when she left. This raised even more concerns.

When confronted, the nanny claimed she was uncomfortable with the camera pointing at her while she put the baby to sleep. But the mom didn’t buy it. She also discovered that the nanny had left her daughter in an enclosed pantry and her toddler unattended in the backyard.

As if that wasn’t enough, online users suggested that the mom check for theft as well. When she did, she found that some items had gone missing, including her toddler’s outfits and her daughter’s small blanket. The nanny’s father later returned most of the items, but the blanket was still missing.

This whole ordeal left the mom feeling stressed and horrified. She realized that she had unknowingly put her children’s health and safety at risk. It was clear that boundaries needed to be put in place to protect her children from any further harm.

Finding the perfect nanny is essential, especially when you’re a busy military mom. But it’s important to trust your instincts and thoroughly vet potential candidates. Establishing boundaries and maintaining regular communication can help create a safe and comfortable environment for your children.

Remember, you are the parent and ultimately responsible for your child’s well-being. Don’t hesitate to take action if you suspect something is wrong.