Baby Oliver was born on 17 December

A heartwarming story of hope and perseverance has emerged just in time for the holiday season. Carissa Morris, 33, and her husband Dave, 32, have finally welcomed their beautiful baby boy, Oliver, after a long and challenging journey of 13 years trying to conceive.

After enduring the heartbreak of eight miscarriages and the devastating loss of a stillborn baby girl, the Australian couple never lost hope. Their tireless efforts paid off when they fell pregnant in April, after undergoing one round of ICSI IVF.

Oliver, a true miracle, was born on December 17th weighing a healthy 6lb 7oz. Carissa, an engineering planner, shared their difficult journey, saying, “We tried for years and years naturally to have a baby. We did conceive a few times, but unfortunately, we experienced multiple miscarriages and were never able to get past six weeks.”

Carissa called Oliver a 'miracle'

Their persistence led them to seek medical advice, which revealed that Carissa had a blocked fallopian tube, causing harmful fluids to flow back into her uterus. Additionally, they discovered that Dave had male factor fertility issues, likely attributed to his profession involving excess heat exposure.

“No one ever warned us that excessive heat could affect fertility,” Carissa lamented. Undeterred, the couple chose to pursue ICSI IVF, a procedure that offers the best chance of conceiving by directly inserting the sperm into the embryo.

Carissa and her husband battled eight miscarriages and a stillbirth before having Oliver

Fortunately, their IVF journey was successful, although they didn’t have any embryos to freeze besides the one that was freshly transferred. Joyously, two weeks later, they received the long-awaited news that they were pregnant.

“When I found out I was pregnant, it was the best feeling I had ever experienced, second only to holding him for the first time,” Carissa shared with a smile.

However, their elation was followed by concern as Oliver experienced breathing problems shortly after birth. Born three weeks premature and turning blue, his oxygen levels dropped significantly. Thanks to the incredible efforts of nurses and doctors, Oliver was stabilized after three hours of intensive care.

The little one is still in hospital and will go home when he's strong enough

Carissa expressed her gratitude for the Neonatal Emergency Transport Service (NETS) team, who quickly arrived and transported Oliver to a specialized neonatal ambulance. It was a difficult moment for Carissa as she could only touch his chin before he was whisked away. Yet, just 30 hours later, she was finally able to hold him in her arms, a true miracle.

Carissa holding hands with Oliver

While Oliver continues to receive care in the hospital, Carissa and Dave eagerly await the day when they can bring their baby boy home. Currently, he is being tube-fed to ensure he receives the necessary nourishment and strength. His progress is positive, and recent scans have shown no obstructions or complications.

The first time Carissa held her son was the best moment of her life

Although they had hoped to celebrate Christmas at home, Carissa understands that Oliver is in the best possible care in the NICU. They plan to make up for lost time by celebrating Christmas once Oliver is released, showering him with presents and love.

The couple waited 13 years for their much-loved baby

Reflecting on their difficult journey, Carissa expressed her gratitude for the miracle that they had been blessed with. “It was just the miracle of knowing that it had worked, it had actually worked for us,” she tearfully remarked.

We commend Carissa and Dave for their unwavering determination and resilience throughout their challenging journey to parenthood. Their story is a shining example of hope and serves as a reminder that miracles are possible, even in the face of adversity.