Parents Jade and Steve with their miracle children

After a miraculous journey, two incredible babies have defeated all odds and left the hospital to join their loving parents at home. Harley and Harry, twins conceived through IVF, were born prematurely at just 22 weeks and five days. Doctors initially warned Jade and Steve Crane that the chances of their survival were slim to none. They were even told to prepare for the worst. But these little fighters proved everyone wrong.

Despite their extremely young age, Harley and Harry showed signs of life at birth, prompting the medical team to take immediate action. For the past 140 days, the twins have received intensive care, and now, their parents couldn’t be more thrilled to take them home.

Jade, a former mental health nurse, expressed her pride in her babies, stating, “They’re little fighters, and they’re doing absolutely amazing. They’re surpassing all expectations. The doctors thought they wouldn’t even make it, but they’re here, crying, and surviving.”

The premature twins have been allowed home

The couple’s journey to parenthood wasn’t an easy one. Over an 11-year period, Jade and Steve underwent eight cycles of IVF, enduring three heartbreaking miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. It was only after moving to a fertility clinic on Harley Street in London that they discovered Jade’s overactive immune system, a cause for the previous failed attempts. With medication to combat her immune issues, the couple embarked on their eighth IVF cycle, resulting in the creation of both a boy and a girl embryo.

The children spent five months in hospital

But skepticism and fear remained. Even at 20 weeks, Jade couldn’t fully believe that she would finally have her long-awaited babies. And then, at just 22 weeks, she went into labor. It was a terrifying moment, especially when doctors initially deemed the twins non-viable. But Jade’s intuition proved powerful. She knew her babies were alive because she could feel them moving, and she refused to accept the devastating prognosis.

Thankfully, the medical team at Queens Medical Hospital in Nottingham made the crucial decision to intervene when the twins were born with signs of life. They were alive, they were moving, and they even cried. Their tiny cries, like that of a kitten, filled the room and filled their parents’ hearts with hope.

Now, just two weeks past their initial due date, these incredible babies are finally going home. Steve expressed his gratitude to the doctors, nurses, and surgeons who played a pivotal role in their remarkable journey. “It’s hard to say goodbye to them,” he said, “but I hope I never see them again.”

Proud mum Jade with Harley and Harry

Harley and Harry’s story is one of resilience, love, and the power of the human spirit. It serves as a reminder that miracles do happen, and against all odds, these little ones are thriving. Their story will continue to inspire and bring hope to others facing similar challenges.