Kiara Duprey, a 24-year-old stay-at-home mother from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and her husband Javier Floreniani, 21, have faced the challenges of parenting with resilience and love after their daughter, Arianna, was born without arms or legs.

Despite the initial shock and uncertainties, they have embraced their daughter with open hearts, believing that she is beautiful no matter what.

At just eight months old, Arianna has already shown remarkable progress. She can hold a bottle and sit up by herself. While she awaits the possibility of prosthetics in the future, her parents marvel at her determination and spirit.

Unfortunately, amidst their journey of love and acceptance, Kiara and Javier have had to confront the harsh reality of online trolls. These strangers hiding behind screens have hurled hurtful comments at the couple, labeling them as selfish for bringing a child with disabilities into the world. Kiara admits that these comments were initially difficult to stomach, especially considering that she herself was bullied despite having all her limbs intact. Nevertheless, she remains resolute in her determination to teach Arianna that not everyone in the world is cruel.

One misconception that Kiara is keen to dispel is that Arianna is paralyzed. On the contrary, Arianna is capable of movement and engages in activities that any other child her age would do. Kiara emphasizes that Arianna is just like any other normal kid, albeit with her unique set of challenges.

Reflecting on their journey, Kiara recalls the moment when they first learned about Arianna’s condition. Doctors initially suspected Roberts syndrome, a genetic disorder characterized by limb and facial abnormalities, and warned that Arianna might not survive to full term. However, against all odds, Arianna defied expectations and was born via a scheduled c-section on July 28, 2023, weighing exactly 5lbs. Kiara describes the moment as both exciting and a relief, as they welcomed their precious daughter into the world.

Despite the initial challenges, Arianna spent a week in the hospital where she was monitored for a heart murmur. She was eventually discharged and brought home to her loving family. Kiara beams with pride as she describes Arianna’s progress, noting her determination to lift her head and her attempts to put her pacifier back in her mouth when it falls out.

Throughout their journey, Kiara and Javier have remained steadfast in their belief that Arianna is a gift from God. Despite the pressures they faced to consider abortion, they stood firm in their decision to embrace Arianna and love her unconditionally. Their story serves as a powerful reminder of the strength of parental love and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

As they continue navigating the challenges of parenting a child with disabilities, Kiara and Javier are determined to provide Arianna with all the love, support, and opportunities she needs to thrive. They refuse to let the negativity of online trolls dim the light of their daughter’s spirit, choosing instead to focus on the joy and blessings that Arianna brings into their lives every day.