Being a mom is a challenging role, and it becomes even more challenging when you are constantly judged for your choices. Mia Boardman, a former star of “Teen Mom UK,” knows this all too well. At just 25 years old, Mia has faced criticism for her lifestyle choices and fashion sense. People are quick to label her as a “bad mom” simply because she enjoys going out and having a good time.

With over 320,000 followers on Instagram, Mia often finds herself on the receiving end of hateful comments and online trolling. But she refuses to let the negativity bring her down or define her as a parent. In an interview with The Sun Fabulous Magazine, Mia spoke candidly about the unwarranted criticism she faces and asserted her right to live a fulfilling life outside of motherhood.

Mia expressed frustration at being judged for her choice of clothing, emphasizing that her fashion preferences have no bearing on her ability to be an effective parent. She shared that she often receives messages questioning her parenting skills and suggesting that her daughter should be taken away from her. However, Mia pointed out that her daughter spends weekends with her father, a fact that her critics often overlook.

Despite the judgment she faces, Mia firmly believes that being a mother should not mean giving up one’s personal freedom and interests. She rejects the idea that parenthood requires sacrificing one’s own happiness and passions. She advocates for a balanced approach that allows parents to pursue their interests while also being present for their children.

Mia also addressed the stigma surrounding young mothers. She acknowledged the misconceptions and stereotypes that young moms often face and emphasized that age should not determine one’s ability to be a good parent. She highlighted that maturity and life experience do not always equate to parenting skills.

In addition to dealing with judgment and stereotypes, Mia has also faced challenges in her co-parenting relationship with Marliya’s father, Manley Geddes. Their relationship has been a topic of public interest since their time on “Teen Mom UK.” Despite their differences, Mia is committed to navigating co-parenting and prioritizing her daughter’s well-being.

Furthermore, Mia bravely shared her experience with domestic violence, shedding light on a traumatic incident involving her ex-boyfriend, Christopher Brooks. She detailed the assault that she endured and highlighted the importance of speaking out against such violence.

As Mia continues to navigate motherhood under the scrutiny of the public eye, she remains determined to defy stereotypes and live life on her own terms. Despite the challenges she faces, Mia is unwavering in her commitment to being the best parent she can be while also maintaining her autonomy and happiness.