Tattoos have been a form of self-expression for thousands of years, and today they continue to grow in popularity. People get tattoos to symbolize something meaningful to them, like a name or a picture. However, there is one woman who has taken her love for tattoos to the extreme.

Melissa Sloan, a mother of two, is addicted to getting tattoos. In fact, she has over 800 tattoos on her body. Unfortunately, this addiction has led to some unexpected challenges for Melissa. She is struggling to find a job that will support her family.

In the past, tattoos were often associated with religious or tribal reasons. But nowadays, tattoos have taken on a different meaning. They have become a way for individuals to express themselves creatively. However, Melissa’s excessive tattoos have become a barrier, preventing her from finding employment.

Melissa’s body is covered in unique artwork designs that sometimes overlap each other. She has even resorted to amateur tattoos, known as “prison style,” done by her partner at home. While her dedication to tattoos may be admirable to some, it has unfortunately limited her job prospects.

Despite her qualifications and skills, Melissa has been turned down for multiple job opportunities. She was even rejected for a position as a toilet cleaner nearby. This rejection has left her devastated and uncertain about how she will support her family.

If you’re curious to learn more about Melissa and see her extensive collection of tattoos, you can watch a brief video online.