Chick-fil-A, the popular fast-food chicken joint, is facing criticism for its wasteful practices. A video recorded by a disgruntled employee went viral on TikTok, exposing how much food the restaurant throws away every day. In the video, the employee, who wishes to remain anonymous, is seen dumping a large tray of perfectly good chicken into the garbage at closing time instead of donating it to those in need.

The video has been viewed over 7.8 million times on TikTok, sparking outrage among viewers. Many people expressed their frustration with Chick-fil-A’s wastefulness and questioned why the food couldn’t be given to the homeless or families who are struggling to find food.

“Why not give it to the homeless?” one person asked.

Others pointed out the irony of Chick-fil-A’s actions, considering their Christian values.

“Jesus would not approve,” wrote one person. “They think God is okay with this?”

Some individuals defended Chick-fil-A’s decision to throw away the food, arguing that it may be unsanitary or against food service regulations to give it away.

“It is illegal to give food to the homeless in foodservice,” commented one person. “Any food leftover goes to the employees or the trash.”

However, a former Chick-fil-A employee confirmed that the restaurant is indeed wasteful, stating, “We used to throw out so much chicken.”

The issue of food waste is a pressing concern, especially when there are so many people in need. Many viewers expressed their disappointment in Chick-fil-A’s actions and suggested alternative solutions, such as allowing employees to take the leftovers home or finding organizations that can redistribute the food.

The video serves as a reminder that even well-known establishments can have practices that don’t align with community values. It’s important for businesses to reconsider their policies and find ways to minimize food waste while helping those who are experiencing hunger.