Gail Jones, a 56-year-old super fan of the Nolan sisters, has triumphed over cancer with the help of her idols. Gail, who had been a lifelong supporter of the group, never expected that Bernie and Linda Nolan would play such a pivotal role in her fight against the disease.

Gail’s devotion to The Nolans runs deep. She owns every album they’ve made and has seen them perform live over 100 times. It was backstage at one of their concerts a decade ago when she received life-saving advice from the late Bernie Nolan, who had just been diagnosed with cancer herself. Bernie urged Gail to “always check your breasts,” which ultimately led to the early detection of Gail’s own breast cancer last year.

Linda is currently fighting cancer herself

After reaching out to Linda Nolan, who is currently battling cancer herself, Gail found unwavering support and a strong friendship. Last month, Gail received the all-clear, and she credits her survival to the Nolan sisters. Without Bernie’s advice, she would have never noticed the lump, and without Linda’s strength, she wouldn’t have had the courage to face treatment.

“I couldn’t believe it when I was told the cancer was gone,” Gail shares. “There were times when I didn’t think I’d make it at all. But even in the darkest moments, Linda was there every step of the way, providing unwavering support because she understands firsthand what it’s like.”

Gail, a dedicated carer from West Bromwich, West Midlands, is grateful for the friendship she has developed with Linda Nolan. She emphasizes the impact that meeting Bernie had on her life. During one backstage encounter, Bernie gave Gail strict instructions that would later save her life. Gail recalls, “I remember Bernie told me, ‘Please promise me you’ll always check your breasts, it can save your life.’ I felt like I owed it to her.”

The pair are now close friends

Gail heeded Bernie’s advice, diligently checking for lumps every day for a decade until she found a small cancerous lump in June 2020. The subsequent mastectomy revealed a grade-three tumor that had spread to her lymph nodes. Gail’s world fell apart, but she found solace in reaching out to Linda, who has been battling cancer herself for over a decade. Although hesitant at first, Gail’s decision to contact Linda was life-changing.

“It was such a relief to speak to someone who understood what I was going through,” Gail shares. “I can’t believe that person is the same person I’ve looked up to since I was 16.”

Gail underwent over a year of chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments and received the all-clear last month. Reflecting on her 18-month cancer battle, Gail admits it was tough, with moments of hitting rock bottom. But with Linda’s nightly texts and reminders that they were in it together, Gail found the strength to keep going.

Gail is certain that her bond with Linda will endure, and she will always cherish the advice given to her by Bernie all those years ago. “Bernie saved my life when she told me to check my breasts for cancer, and now Linda has saved my life by helping me through it,” Gail affirms.

Their friendship is a testament to the power of support during challenging times. Gail’s story is a beacon of hope for all those battling cancer, proving that with the right support and determination, it’s possible to overcome even the toughest of obstacles.