Mum-of-four who relies on vital free school meals

Tasha Jones, a hardworking mother of four, knows firsthand the importance of free school meals for her family. As the cost of living continues to rise, Tasha relies on these meals to provide her children with a hot and nutritious lunch that saves on energy costs for their evening meal.

With two daughters aged two and six, and two sons aged 14 and nine, Tasha’s £60-a-week budget for food makes it challenging to cook hot meals every night. Unfortunately, the current situation means that more than a million children from struggling families will go hungry.

The situation becomes even more concerning as Prime Minister Boris Johnson seems reluctant to extend free school meals to all children in poverty. Despite pleas from food tsar Henry Dimbleby, it appears that the new food strategy for England will fall short in addressing child hunger or rising prices.

Tasha, who actively participates in Save the Children’s ‘Mums on a Mission’ campaign, understands the additional benefits that come with free school meals. Depending on the local authority, children receiving free school meals may also receive a pupil premium, which helps fund school activities such as trips, music lessons, and uniforms.

Recalling her own experience, Tasha’s eldest child is able to take music lessons, something they wouldn’t be able to afford without the pupil premium. During the week, her children enjoy a hot meal at school, while evenings are filled with sandwiches and crackers with cheese, helping to manage the family’s food bill.

With their £60-a-week budget stretched to the maximum due to the increasing cost of petrol, Tasha believes that applying for the pupil premium is a valuable resource for families, even if they are unsure of their eligibility. The financial pressure intensifies during school holidays when providing meals twice a day becomes a real struggle.

Tasha’s household income, which includes Universal Credit and her partner’s wage as a laborer, amounts to approximately £1600-a-month. She firmly believes that all families with children attending school should have access to free school meals. The rising cost of living affects everyone, and ensuring children do not go hungry should be a priority for society.

Let us know in the comments below what you think about Boris Johnson’s decision. Do you believe that all children should receive free school meals?