Being a parent can be both challenging and rewarding. The joy of adding new members to the family is immeasurable. For Kayleigh Lever and her partner Robbie, the arrival of their premature twins, Hudson and Hope, was a moment that touched their hearts forever.

After 114 days in the hospital, Hudson and Hope were finally able to meet their older siblings – Ellie, Jacob, Jayden, and Parker. The emotional video captures the surprise on their faces when they see their new brother and sister for the first time.

Kayleigh had kept their homecoming a secret, making the reunion even more special. She instructed her older children to come straight home from school, telling them that a nurse wanted to talk to them about their new siblings. Little did they know that it would be a moment they would never forget.

Seeing the twins lying on a twin nursing pillow, Ellie couldn’t hold back her tears while the boys stood in shock. Due to Covid restrictions, the siblings hadn’t been allowed to visit the hospital, so they had only seen photos and videos of Hudson and Hope prior to this moment.

Kayleigh shares her experience, saying, “It was such a warming moment and we will always remember it.” The bond between siblings is truly beautiful, and this reunion showed the love and excitement that filled their home.

The journey leading up to this joyful reunion had its share of challenges. Kayleigh experienced bleeding and was rushed to the hospital, where she was discharged after a week. However, on her way home, her waters broke. Concerned about her well-being, the twins were delivered at just 26 weeks, weighing only a little over a pound each.

The unexpected early arrival meant that Kayleigh was unprepared, with only a pram and one car seat. Thankfully, their families stepped in to donate and buy essential items for the twins. The road to recovery was tough, especially for Hope, who faced health complications and had to undergo multiple surgeries.

Hope’s strength and resilience shone through as she overcame her health challenges. For nine long weeks, the twins were separated as Hope received specialized care. Kayleigh had to juggle hospital runs, traveling back and forth to ensure both babies received the attention they needed.

Finally, after 114 days, the day came when Kayleigh and Robbie could take their babies home. Their older children, Ellie, Jacob, Jayden, and Parker, adored their new siblings. Ellie took on the role of a mini-mum and was overjoyed to have a sister in the family. The boys were fantastic in helping out and adjusting to their new family dynamics.

While being a parent comes with exhaustion, Kayleigh is relieved that the days of hospital runs are behind her. The joy of having all her children under one roof is priceless.

This heartwarming story reminds us of the power of love and resilience. It’s a testament to the strength of a family and the profound impact that new additions can have on everyone’s lives.