Gather around, dear readers, for we’re about to dive into a tale of birthday drama, relationship rules, and yes, a steak that cost more than most people’s phones! Buckle up, because this one is a doozy.

A young lady reached out to the internet’s collective wisdom after her boyfriend accused her of being the reason he got banned from his favorite restaurant during his birthday celebration. Now, you might be wondering: what kind of birthday bash ends up with someone getting banned? Let’s unwrap this juicy story.

On the fateful day, let’s call it June 17, 2023, an anonymous 18-year-old woman posted her frustration on the popular “AITA” subreddit. She and her 20-year-old boyfriend, let’s call him John, had been dating for nearly a year. Their relationship was mostly smooth sailing, except for one little iceberg—she’s a die-hard vegetarian who wouldn’t spend a penny on meat.

Imagine being committed to vegetarianism since age 11 for moral reasons, only to find yourself in constant squabbles because your beloved just can’t fathom why you won’t buy a steak. Our heroine had her principles and she wasn’t about to fund any carnivorous adventures, no matter how much it irked John.

They had a peculiar dining dynamic: they’d go Dutch or John would foot the bill. The catch was, she’d only pay for both their meals if they were meat-free. John, ever the meat-lover, rarely chose this option. He would pay for her meals occasionally, but mainly when she splurged on other joint activities like concerts and festivals where she’d easily drop €120+ ($125) on tickets. John, on the other hand, chipped in around €50 ($50) for food.

So, what happened at the infamous birthday dinner? Glad you asked.

A few days before she turned to Reddit, our couple visited John’s favorite upscale restaurant for his birthday. John, being a man of taste, went for the most expensive steak on the menu, complimented by a side salad and a bottle of wine. Fancy, right? When it was time to settle the bill, our lady protagonist asked for separate checks. Cue the dramatic music and John’s bewildered expression.

John, clearly thinking she was kidding, asked again. Our vegetarian heroine wasn’t backing down. She was sticking to her guns—no money for meat.

John was flabbergasted. He thought she’d pick up the tab because, well, it was his birthday. She saw it differently. Was her rule about not spending her money on meat not crystal clear? She even offered to pay for the wine and the salad, leaving him to cover his extravagant steak. The nerve, right?

John’s response? A dramatic storming off to the bathroom, leaving our lady to pick up the pieces—or rather, the unpaid steak.

After paying for her meal, the wine, and the salad, she waited for him to cool off and return. Twenty minutes later, still no sign of John. She finally left and found him sulking on a bench near their parked car. When she asked about his abrupt departure, he seemed clueless about the now unpaid steak. Upon realizing she paid for everything but the meat, his outrage was explosive. He accused her of being selfish and demanded she grow up.

Our leading lady, still calm, insisted John needed to go back and pay for his steak. His response? Mocking her suggestion and sauntering off. With no other choice, she headed home alone, leaving John to stew over his meal gone unpaid.

Shortly after, John accused her of being the reason he got banned from his favorite restaurant. Imagine the scene: a small restaurant, a recognizable face, and the word “dine-and-dash” floating around. Not the best combo. His accusations drove her to seek the counsel of the internet jury, questioning if she did anything wrong.

To her critics, she clarified that she had already dipped into her savings for a birthday present, making this drama all the more perplexing. Plus, it wasn’t even her idea to go to that fancy restaurant—it was John’s!

The internet had mixed feelings but supported her resolve for standing by her principles. What’s your take, dear readers?

Mary’s Take: Now, let me give you my two cents here. Birthdays are special days, yes, but when you’re in a relationship, mutual respect and understanding of each other’s beliefs are crucial. Standing by your principles shouldn’t be seen as selfishness. If you ask me, someone needs to grow up, and it’s not our vegetarian heroine!