Growing up, my grandma was always there for me. She became my rock after the tragic loss of my parents, stepping in with unwavering love and support. Losing my grandpa a few years ago left a void that seemed impossible to fill.

During my darkest days, Noah came into my life. His kindness and unwavering support helped me navigate the pain. We grew closer, and I found a glimmer of happiness amidst the sorrow. However, my grandma was hesitant about our relationship. She believed I should focus on rebuilding my life.

Recently, I visited my grandma and saw her leaving her house arm in arm with Noah. Confusion and disbelief washed over me as they drove away. Overwhelmed with unease, I made the impulsive decision to follow them. What I discovered shattered my world.

In a secluded corner of the park, I watched in shock as my grandma and Noah exchanged tender embraces and whispered words of love. It felt like a betrayal, as the pillars of support I had relied on for so long crumbled beneath me. I felt lost and alone in a world that suddenly seemed unfamiliar and cold.