A heavily pregnant woman decided to stand up against her mother-in-law after the latter had been mistreating her. However, the confrontation did not end well. | Source: Unsplash

Building a good relationship with in-laws can sometimes be a challenge, especially between mothers and daughters-in-law. It becomes even more difficult when a woman’s husband sides with his mother instead of his wife.

Unfortunately, this was the experience of a 21-year-old mother who was pregnant with twin girls. She decided to share her story on Reddit, seeking advice and wondering if she had done the right thing.

A Tumultuous Relationship with Her Mother-In-Law

The woman had always had a strained relationship with her mother-in-law, mainly due to their different cultures. She often felt judged by her in-law, who would nitpick her every action, despite her best efforts to please her. This strained relationship left the woman in tears.

Her mother-in-law would frequently ask her to do things, like cooking a dish from her homeland without any guidance. The woman did her best to research and prepare the dish, but her efforts were disregarded. Her mother-in-law took one bite, declared it awful, and threw her whole plate out.

Pleading For Kindness

The woman repeatedly asked her mother-in-law to treat her better, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Instead, the in-law would complain to the woman’s husband, painting her as disrespectful.

As a pregnant woman, she couldn’t keep up with all the demands placed on her – cleaning, cooking, and running errands. Even when she did as instructed, her mother-in-law would criticize her every move. The woman felt hurt when her in-law said, “She doesn’t understand how her son could marry someone who doesn’t even know how to be a wife.”

Standing Up For Herself

After enduring countless disrespectful moments, the woman finally had enough. She confronted her mother-in-law, declaring that she would no longer be treated like a servant. She refused to do anything for her in-laws until they showed her some kindness.

However, her words only angered her mother-in-law further. The in-law insulted her, calling her disrespectful to her elders and claiming to be “disgusted” that her son married such a woman.

Siding with His Mother Instead of His Wife

To the woman’s dismay, her husband took his mother’s side. He sympathized with her and believed her story after she complained about his wife’s actions. He told his wife to be more understanding and criticized her for not putting in enough effort into their relationship.

Feeling helpless, the woman decided to gather evidence. She secretly recorded her mother-in-law’s mean behavior and showed it to her husband. Finally, he took action and set boundaries for his mother, although he couldn’t bring himself to ask her to leave.

A couple not on good terms. | Source: Shutterstock

What Would You Have Done?

In this difficult situation, it’s natural to wonder if the woman did the right thing by standing up for herself. What would you have done in her place?