Robbie Awad, 32, found himself facing charges when his wife, Marina Hanna, 29, was tragically killed in a golf buggy accident during their honeymoon on Hamilton Island. The devastating incident occurred just 10 days after their wedding on June 20, 2022. Awad recalls a haunting conversation he had with his wife moments before the crash, shedding light on the events leading up to the tragedy.

The couple had been driving on Whitsunday Blvd when the golf buggy suddenly crashed, causing Hanna to go into cardiac arrest. She was pronounced dead at the scene while Awad, who was driving, escaped without any injuries. Awad has since pleaded guilty to not wearing a seatbelt and using a mobile phone while driving, but he pleaded not guilty to the charge of driving without due care and attention causing death.

During the hearing at Proserpine Magistrates Court, Awad recounted their conversation before the crash. The couple had decided to leave the resort to get a meal, and Awad admits to looking at his phone for directions. However, Hanna warned him multiple times to get off his phone. Ignoring her concerns, Awad brushed off any potential risks and put his phone in his pocket. Little did he know that this decision would have devastating consequences.

As the couple continued their journey in the buggy, approaching a steep hill, Awad noticed the vehicle starting to slow down. Wanting to avoid any potential accidents, he drove the buggy into the flattest part of the road. However, as he made a U-turn, the buggy suddenly accelerated, causing it to overturn. Awad expressed his thoughts of the buggy tipping over just moments before it happened.

In court, bodycam footage from the immediate aftermath of the incident was shown for the first time. Awad can be seen visibly heartbroken, telling authorities about the sudden acceleration and his disbelief at the tragic outcome. His defense argues that the accident was caused by a problem with the golf buggy’s battery and that Awad drove carefully, completing the U-turn in the most tactful way he thought possible.

The court proceedings are ongoing, and the defense maintains that Awad’s actions were not negligent but the result of a tragic accident. Awad’s defense lawyer, Phillip Boulten, emphasizes that his client was devastated by the incident and continues to grieve.