When a woman chose to divorce her husband over his infidelity, she lost custody of her daughter. As time passed, the daughter refused to see the woman, believing she was a bad person. It wasn’t until the girl had no more money to pay for college that she reconnected with her mom.

Choosing Family over Infidelity

In January 2022, an anonymous female poster shared her heartbreaking story in the “AITA” subreddit. The woman, aged 45, had married a wealthy man and believed she was lucky to have someone take care of her family financially. Her husband went above and beyond, showering her parents with expensive gifts and even paying off her sister’s credit card debts. He also helped her brother secure a great job at a reputable company.

Despite the lavishness and support, her husband had a history of infidelity, and it caused a strain on their marriage. The first time he cheated, the woman had just given birth to their daughter, Kelly. Vulnerable as she was, the woman wanted to leave her husband. However, her family persuaded her to forgive him, using Kelly as a reason to keep the family intact.

Divorce and Loss of Custody

When Kelly turned 12, the woman’s husband cheated on her again. This time, the woman was resolute in ending the marriage. But her in-laws and parents opposed the idea to avoid scandal and losing access to her husband’s generosity. They convinced her to stay and weather the storm. Eventually, the woman filed for divorce, but she lost custody of Kelly due to her husband’s financial advantage and the support of his family.

The Estrangement

Despite her best efforts to maintain a relationship with her daughter, the woman’s in-laws and parents portrayed her negatively to Kelly. They painted her as a bad person, a hypocrite for not forgiving her father. As a result, Kelly grew up believing her mother was terrible and adamantly refused to see her.

Reconnecting for Money

During these challenging times, the woman found solace in her best friend, Tina, who became her support system. She reached out to her daughter consistently while rebuilding her life. She pursued a career in accountancy and secured a well-paying job. Meanwhile, her ex-husband faced a series of misfortunes, including losing his job and facing a lawsuit.

When Kelly turned 21 and found herself in need of financial help for college, she finally wanted to reconnect with her mother. The woman agreed to support her daughter financially but asked that Kelly sign a contract relinquishing her status as the sole heir in the woman’s will. The woman had grown close to Tina’s daughter, Laura. She wanted the majority of her assets to go to Laura, who had become like a daughter to her.

The Mother’s Dilemma

While some relatives suggested dividing everything equally, the woman worried that a relationship with Kelly centered on financial compensation wouldn’t feel genuine. She also believed that following their advice could harm any chance of repairing their bond.

So, what do you think? Was the mom right in leaving her assets to her goddaughter, or should she have left everything to her daughter, who only sought to reconnect when she needed financial help for tuition?