Ellen and her husband David were overjoyed with their daughter Lisa’s upcoming wedding to Ric. They were incredibly proud of Lisa, who had become a successful doctor through her hard work and determination. As a way to celebrate her achievements, Ellen and David decided to buy Lisa a cozy new home that perfectly suited her needs.

Everything seemed to be going well until one day when Lisa expressed her desire for Ric to move in with her. After some initial hesitation, David and Ellen agreed, understanding that this was a natural step towards their upcoming marriage.

Excitement filled the air as Lisa and Ric started planning their wedding. They even organized a special family dinner to introduce both sets of parents to each other. But little did Ellen and David know that this evening would take an unexpected turn.

During the preparations for the family dinner, David and their younger daughter Leah suddenly left in a rush, claiming they needed to return home. Concerned, Ellen later discovered from David that Ric’s parents had expressed their intentions to exclude them from the wedding and expected them to cover all the expenses.

Ellen was shocked and confused by this news. She couldn’t understand why Lisa’s in-laws were behaving this way. Determined to get to the bottom of it, Ellen confronted them the next day, only to be met with accusations of undue influence. To make matters worse, they revealed that they had actually moved into the house Ellen had bought for Lisa and Ric.

These revelations left Ellen deeply disturbed and upset. She immediately called Lisa, pleading with her to reconsider the situation. However, to Ellen’s dismay, Lisa sided with her in-laws’ decision.

As the house was still under Ellen’s name, she took a firm and decisive action. She gave the unexpected occupants a ten-day notice to vacate the premises. But when they refused to leave, Ellen and David had no choice but to sell the house.

This turn of events had a significant impact on Lisa and Ric’s plans. Lisa moved into a small apartment, and the wedding was put on hold. Ellen found herself questioning her own actions and seeking the opinions of others on whether selling the house and using the proceeds to buy a car for her other daughter was justified.

What do you think about this situation? It’s certainly unexpected, and Ellen’s struggle between protecting her own interests and wanting the best for her daughter is a tough one.