My Wife Has a Strange Bathroom Rule – When I Found Out the Truth behind It, I Was.. - News Press

Louise’s grandmother left her a beautiful house that we decided to move into. It was more spacious than our apartment and would save us a lot of money. Plus, it gave us the perfect environment to start thinking about having kids. So, we packed our things and settled into our new home, enjoying date nights and planning for the future.

As we started to make the house our own, renovating different parts to fit our preferences, Louise turned her focus to the second bathroom. She insisted it was her personal space and asked me not to enter. Although I didn’t really understand why, I respected her request because I loved her. I assumed that once she was finished, she would reveal her masterpiece to me. Little did I know that weeks would turn into months, and I still hadn’t seen the room.

One night, curiosity got the better of me. While Louise was asleep early and I was engrossed in a sports game, I decided to sneak a peek. I entered the bathroom, which looked perfectly normal with some new paint. But then, a peculiar sight caught my eye. There was a small hole in the corner of the room, emitting a mysterious red glow. My heart raced as I wondered what could be behind it. Unable to resist, I got down on my knees and looked through the hole. To my horror, I saw dozens of eyes staring back at me, their red glow intensifying their eeriness. A chilling shiver ran down my spine.

Suddenly, I heard Louise’s voice echoing in the bathroom, asking what I was doing. Caught off guard, I foolishly claimed that I was just washing my hands. But it was clear that Louise knew the truth. “Connor, you saw what’s behind the wall, didn’t you?” she confronted me.

What could this hidden secret be? And why was Louise so protective of it? Stay tuned to uncover the astonishing truth that lies within our mysterious bathroom walls.