Old lady was stopped to pull into a parking space and started arguing with a real smart man

An old lady was patiently waiting to pull into a parking space. She had her eyes set on a prime spot when suddenly a young man in his fancy red Mercedes zoomed past her and parked right where she wanted to park. Fuming with anger, she approached the man and said,
“I was going to park there!”
The man, full of arrogance, replied,
“That’s what you can do when you’re young and quick.”
This response only made the old lady even more upset. Without a moment’s hesitation, she reversed her car, pressed hard on the accelerator, and crashed right into the man’s beloved Mercedes.
“Why did you do that?” the young man yelled, rushing back to his car.
With a mischievous smile, the little old lady simply stated,
“That’s what you can do when you’re old and wealthy!”

Next story…

An Old Lady’s Clever Trick

An elderly lady entered the grocery store with a determined look on her face. She headed straight for the pet food aisle and carefully selected the most expensive cat food available. Approaching the checkout counter, she proudly exclaimed,
“Nothing but the best for my little kitten.”
The young cashier, however, had a rule she had to follow.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t sell you cat food without proof that you have a cat. Some people buy cat food to eat, so the management requires evidence that it’s for a pet.”
Disappointed but undeterred, the old lady returned home, picked up her cat, and brought it back to the store. With her furry companion in tow, the cashier finally allowed her to purchase the cat food.

The following day, the old lady returned to the store and filled her basket with a dozen of the most expensive dog cookies. Expecting a fuss from the cashier again, she braced herself for another round of questioning. Sure enough, the cashier skeptically asked for proof that she owned a dog, as some elderly folks had been known to eat dog food.
Growing frustrated, the old lady rushed home, fetched her dog, and brought it back to the store. The cashier, convinced this time, allowed her to buy the dog cookies.

But the clever old lady wasn’t done yet. On her next visit, she walked in with a box that had a small hole in the lid. Curiosity piqued, the cashier cautiously inquired about the box.
The old lady had a mischievous glint in her eyes as she requested the cashier to stick her finger into the hole. Naturally, the cashier hesitated, fearing something sinister inside the box.
Reassuringly, the little old lady exclaimed,
“Oh, don’t worry. There’s nothing in there that will bite you.”
Slowly, the cashier extended her finger and inserted it into the hole. As she pulled it out, she wrinkled her nose and exclaimed,
“Eww, that smells like crap!”
The old lady couldn’t hold back her joy as she declared,
“Excellent! Now, my dear, can I please buy three rolls of toilet paper?”

Remember, never underestimate the wit and resourcefulness of a little old lady!