In 2012, Patricia Krentcil became infamous for her obsession with tanning, earning her the nickname “Tan Mom.” Her frequent visits to tanning salons and excessive time spent in the booth caused her to develop a dangerous condition known as tanorexia. Although she still dabbles in tanning, she has since made significant improvements in her health. Let’s take a peek at how “Tan Mom” is doing today!

The Dangers of Obsession

Obsession can take many forms, whether it’s an obsession with food, shopping, or television shows. However, these obsessions can have long-term consequences on our lives. If you find yourself feeling like something is taking over your life or neglecting other important aspects, it may be time to seek help and support from friends or a counselor.

Patricia Krentcil – A Fascination with Tanning

Patricia Krentcil’s obsession with tanning propelled her to internet stardom. Starting tanning at a young age, it quickly became a significant part of her life. When Patricia went on trial in 2012 for supposedly bringing her daughter to a tanning parlor, she became an overnight sensation. Despite being found not guilty, her name was already well-known.

While Patricia now practices safer tanning methods, her excessive time in the booth has left a noticeable impact on her appearance and overall well-being. At the age of 23, Patricia developed a tanning fetish and would visit a tanning salon five times a week for session lengths of up to 12 minutes, paying $100 a month for an unlimited package. She claimed to have been tanning her whole life, both at the beach and in tanning salons.

The Controversy and the Accusation

What truly catapulted Patricia to fame was the accusation of endangering her children in May 2012. It was alleged that she put her 6-year-old daughter in a stand-up tanning booth, resulting in burns. Patricia vehemently denied these claims, stating that she never took Anna, her daughter, to the salon.

The controversy began when a school nurse asked Anna how she got burned, to which she responded, “I go tanning with mommy.” This statement led to Patricia’s arrest and the accusation of endangering a child. According to New Jersey law, individuals under the age of 14 are prohibited from using tanning beds, and those above 14 must have parental permission.

The incident gained international attention, shedding light on the controversial condition known as tanorexia. This condition arises when individuals become addicted to and obsessed with tanning, failing to recognize the extent of their sun-kissed appearance.

The Seriousness of Tanorexia

Health professionals and dermatologists recognized the severity of Patricia’s situation. Dermatologist Dr. Joshua Zeichner called it one of the craziest cases he had ever come across, emphasizing the dangers of excessive tanning bed use. Tanning beds emit 12 to 15 times more UV radiation than the sun, significantly increasing the risk of developing melanoma and other skin cancers.

Patricia’s addiction to tanning was rooted in body dysmorphia, a condition characterized by persistent dissatisfaction with one’s own physical appearance. Individuals with this disorder often undergo multiple elective cosmetic procedures to enhance their looks, including tanning.

Cleared of Charges and Moving Forward

In February 2013, Patricia was exonerated of child endangerment charges as a grand jury declined to indict her. However, despite legal clearance, Patricia continued to face criticism from mothers across the country. In response, she retaliated by calling them ugly and overweight, sparking further controversy.

The constant media attention and harassment took a toll on Patricia and her family. They eventually made the decision to move to Tampa, Florida, in search of a fresh start. Patricia planned to capitalize on her newfound celebrity status by starring in a film that portrayed her story, writing a book, and launching her own brand of tan lotions.

In 2019, Patricia’s life took a dangerous turn when she suffered complications from pneumonia, resulting in a cardiac arrest. Luckily, she survived and has since made remarkable progress. Despite the scars from her past tanning habits, Patricia now embraces her identity as “Tan Mom” and still indulges in tanning twice a week.