An amazing incident unfolded when an elderly lady from Florida stumbled upon four men attempting to steal her car. What happened next left her speechless.

It all started when the lady finished her shopping and returned to her car, only to find the culprits in the act. Without hesitation, she dropped her shopping bags and brandished her trusty handgun, shouting at the top of her lungs, “I have a gun, and I know how to use it! Get out of the car!”

The four men wasted no time in fleeing, their fear overpowering any desire to challenge her. Though shaken by the encounter, the determined lady collected her bags and made her way to the driver’s seat. But there was one problem – in her state of agitation, she couldn’t seem to insert the key into the ignition. After several failed attempts, she realized the reason behind her struggle.

To her surprise, she discovered her own car parked a few spaces away. Laughing at her own mistake, she loaded her bags into her actual vehicle before driving straight to the police station to report the incident.

At the station, the sergeant listened to her account and couldn’t contain his laughter. He pointed to the opposite end of the counter, where four pale men were busy describing a carjacking incident involving a “crazy” elderly woman – a woman who was described as white, less than 5 feet tall, wearing glasses, with curly white hair, and carrying a large handgun.

Luckily, no charges were filed. It seems that these would-be thieves met their match in this fearless old lady!