Picture this: A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead walk into a job interview. No, it’s not the start of a joke—though it might as well be. Hold onto your hats, because what unfolds next is bound to tickle your funny bone.

The Brunette’s Moment of Confidence

The brunette is up first. With confidence, she struts into the interview room. Forms are signed, questions answered. Finally, the interviewer throws in their last curveball: “How many D’s are there in ‘INDIANA JONES?’”

She ponders for a second, then confidently responds, “One.”

With a promise to get back to her after the remaining candidates, she’s sent on her way. Numero uno, done and dusted.

The Redhead’s Quick Response

Next up, the redhead. She goes through much of the same motions. When the all-important question pops up: “How many D’s are there in ‘INDIANA JONES?’”

Without a moment’s hesitation, she pipes up, “One.”

The interviewer nods, “Okay, we’ll let you know.” Smooth sailing so far.

The Blonde’s Hilarious Calculations

Enter the blonde. She takes her seat, tackles the questions with a mix of seriousness and charm. Then comes that infamous question: “How many D’s are there in ‘INDIANA JONES?’”

Her face gets serious. Pens and fingers start moving. She’s muttering, numbers flying around in apparent chaos: “2, 4, 6… wait… 2, 4, 6… Can I borrow your calculator?”

After an intense fifteen minutes full of fervent calculations, she lights up. The answer is clear to her now, “Thirty-two.”

The Big Reveal

The interviewer, taken aback by her answer, can’t help but ask, “How on earth did you arrive at that conclusion?”

With a triumphant smile, she begins to hum: “Daaaa da da daaaa daaaa da daaaa… Daaaa da da daaa daa da daaaa da da.” Catchy, huh?

The room is baffled. A chorus lines up in everyone’s heads, resonating with every “D” that’s supposedly in the iconic Indiana Jones theme song.

Mary’s Two Cents

You see, the real kicker here is that sometimes, thinking outside the box—or the song—brings the most unforgettable answers. Is there one “D” in Indiana Jones? Absolutely. But our blonde friend? She turned a job interview into a symphony. So, when life asks you how many “D’s” there are, don’t be afraid to sing a tune!