Optical illusions are not just visual puzzles – they can also give us insights into our inner selves. In the following picture, your answer to what you see can speak volumes about your personality. Even if you keep your true self hidden from others, this optical illusion test can reveal surprising details about who you really are.

This picture, which was originally shared on social media in a TikTok video, consists of two forks cleverly arranged to form the shape of a glass. The key is to determine what you noticed first.

If you saw the forks first, it suggests that you are stubborn and strong-willed. When you set your mind on something, you go all out without looking back. You have a romantic side, but you also value your freedom and allow your loved ones to move forward without holding them back.

On the other hand, if you noticed the glass first, you are likely a likable and caring individual. People are drawn to you because of your kindness and compassion, but you are selective in who you allow into your inner circle. You don’t tolerate mind games and keep a healthy distance from those who try to manipulate you.

This optical illusion test has been widely shared, with over 30,000 people acknowledging its accuracy. Now, it’s your turn to discover what it reveals about you. So, what did you see?