We all have secrets from our past that we prefer to keep hidden, don’t we? Those embarrassing moments that we hope will never see the light of day. Well, even Prince Harry is not immune to this. An ex-dominatrix named Carrie Royale claims to have crossed paths with him and is now threatening to expose his nude pictures.

According to Carrie, she knew Prince Harry back in 2012. She alleges that she was invited to join him and a group of strippers in his hotel suite. At the time, some pictures of the 27-year-old prince in the buff were published in The Sun.

But Carrie insists that she possesses even more private photos of Prince Harry, and she’s ready to show them to the world on her pay-per-view section on OnlyFans. She claims, “These pictures have never been seen by the public. I have poolside pictures from before that night and shots of Harry in the buff. People will be shocked by them.”

One of her motivations for exposing these pictures is her grievance over not being mentioned in Prince Harry’s autobiography. She says, “I withheld these pictures out of respect before. But now, all bets are off. He’s a complete idiot. I’m a little angry about being left out of his book. I mean… wow. He missed quite a few things from that night.”

Carrie goes on to describe her encounter with Prince Harry: “He was so wild, fun-loving, and unpredictable. But where did that side of him go? I think Meghan sucked the life out of him. He’s become boring, and she’s definitely wearing the pants in the relationship. He’s turned into a bit of a wimp.”

It’s important to note, however, that Carrie’s motives may be driven by financial gain. She openly admits that she hopes to make a couple of million dollars from these revelations and promises to share a lot more than what the public already knows.

But let’s not forget that Carrie may just be making idle threats. A spokesperson for OnlyFans stated that she must first obtain consent from Prince Harry before posting any content.

So, for now, we’ll have to wait and see if Carrie Royale’s claims hold any truth and if Prince Harry’s private photos will truly be exposed for the world to see.