If you enjoy an easy-going life without the little pitter-patter of children’s feet, you may want to step away now. Our story starts with a Reddit user’s tale of love, marriage, and… well, an unexpected twist involving three kids that turns her world upside down.

The woman shared what happened.

Once upon a time, in a land of campus coffee shops and late-night study sessions, I was pretty sure of one thing: kids weren’t part of my future. Me and my college sweetheart bonded over our mutual desire for a child-free existence. Ah, those were the days. We got hitched a few years ago, each still smugly satisfied with our decision to dodge the diaper duty.

Then, reality showed up uninvited. My husband’s younger sister dropped off her three kids—a 5-year-old and twin toddlers—like they were overdue library books and promised to be back soon. Spoiler alert: she vanished into thin air. Gone. Vanished. We filed reports and later found out she was safe but not coming back any time soon. Welcome to parenthood… not.

I felt sorry for the kids, but who was I kidding? I couldn’t just flip a switch and become Super Nanny. Our costs soared: clothes, food, and even air mattresses in our living room because we only have one bedroom. Still fantastic, guys? Definitely, not. I juggled working from home and looking after them, as daycare for three is as priceless as a Picasso. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any crazier, CPS showed up and asked us what our long-term plans were. I said, ‘No, thanks.’ But guess what? My husband wanted to keep them. Cue the turbulence.

Ever tried having a polite disagreement that ends with someone flipping the Monopoly board? That’s us. One suggestion was for us to financially support my husband’s mother so she could raise the kids. Less dramatic, yes? Not really. Piles of money we didn’t have going to relatives we never intended to support. My husband’s sister should at least contribute financially, but who are we kidding?

The arguments were endless. I made it crystal clear: I couldn’t see myself sacrificing the next 16 years raising someone else’s kids. My husband believed in stepping up for family—bless his noble heart—but seriously, this wasn’t our plan.

So, I dropped the D-word—divorce, not diapers—before things got any worse. He was appalled, said he felt abandoned, but I reminded him: ‘Hello, our initial plan was no kids, remember?’ You can’t just hit the turbo button on the life plan and expect no fallout.

People online had different points of view about the situation.

The Internet, bless its opinionated heart, had a lot to say. Whether you’re for or against, there are plenty of arguments both ways. For people like us who planned a kid-free life, this is uncharted territory; however, life has a wild way of showing you that plans are just outlines scribbled in pencil.

And there you have it, folks. The rollercoaster ride that is my (former) marriage. In the future, always beware of unexpected ‘errands’ involving children. Plans are lovely until life tosses you a curveball full of kids. So, what would you do? Swap your calm for chaos, or stick to your no-kids guns?