13-year-old Boy Stops Kidnapper With A $3 Toy His Mom Bought For Him

It was just a normal afternoon for 13-year-old Owen Burns as he returned home from school. Little did he know that this day would be anything but ordinary. As he was getting ready to play his favorite video game, he heard his sister screaming in the backyard. Irritated at first, Owen quickly realized that something was terribly wrong. His sister was in danger, and he had to act fast.

Owen Burns playing video games

Rushing to his bedroom window, Owen saw a stranger attempting to drag his 8-year-old sister towards the nearby woods. Fear and adrenaline surged through his veins. Without hesitation, he grabbed his slingshot and collected nearby objects to use as ammunition. With a steady hand, he took aim and shot the kidnapper right between the eyes.

The startled kidnapper released his sister, but Owen didn’t stop there. He hit the kidnapper in the chest with a second shot. “He was swearing. He was cussing,” Owen later recounted to the press. Despite the danger, this courageous teenager stood his ground and protected his sister.

The incident took place in broad daylight near their home in Michigan’s Alpena Township. Kidnappings were rare in their neighborhood, but Owen’s quick thinking and bravery saved the day. The Michigan State Police confirmed that the 17-year-old kidnapper would face adult charges.

Owen Burns with slingshot

Owen’s actions were nothing short of extraordinary. Lt. John Grimshaw described him as a hero, stating, “He really is the one that… I believe saved his sister’s either life or from something seriously bad happening to her.” This young boy’s bravery deserves recognition.

What’s most remarkable is the tool Owen used to defend his sister: a simple slingshot that his mom bought for just $3. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but Owen had honed his aim by practicing in their yard, shooting at old orange juice cans. Little did he know that this practice would prepare him for this life-saving moment.

Owen Burns demonstrating his slingshot skills

When Owen first saw the kidnapper, he had only one thought in mind: his sister’s safety. He knew that if the stranger succeeded, his sister’s life would be at risk. With determination and accuracy, Owen thwarted the kidnapper’s plans. His actions truly embody the saying that sometimes real life can resemble scenes from movies.

Furious and filled with adrenaline, Owen confronted the kidnapper outside. He threw a baseball, but it missed its target. Not to be deterred, he made another attempt with his slingshot. Though the rubber cracked, Owen’s bravery was unwavering.

The siblings quickly called their mother, who raced home after hearing her children’s panicked voices on the phone. The kidnapper was eventually apprehended hiding at a nearby gas station. He now faces charges of attempted kidnapping and assault.

Owen Burns and his mother

Maggie, Owen’s mother, initially found it hard to believe that her son had successfully hit the kidnapper from a distance of 200 feet. But the evidence spoke for itself. The marble-induced swelling on the kidnapper’s forehead was proof of Owen’s precise aim.

This incredible story of Owen’s heroism continues to inspire. It serves as a reminder of the powerful bond between siblings and the unwavering strength of a young heart. Share this incredible tale with your friends and family, and let it be a source of encouragement and inspiration. Together, we can celebrate the brave actions of a big brother in defending his tiny sister.

Owen Burns and his sister