Losing a child is one of the most devastating things anyone could ever go through. It’s an unimaginable pain that no parent should ever have to endure. Unfortunately, this was the heartbreaking reality for the parents of 6-year-old Leland Shoemake from Wilmington, Georgia.

Leland was a bright and happy little boy who had captured the hearts of everyone around him. He was a quick learner, mastering his ABCs, numbers, colors, shapes, and even 20 sight words by the age of one. His parents, Amber and her husband, cherished his curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Leland had a keen interest in the history channel, weather channel, documentaries, and anything related to history.

Tragically, in 2015, Leland fell ill and was rushed to the hospital. Doctors soon discovered that he had a brain infection caused by a rare type of amoeba called Balamuthia mandrillaris. His condition deteriorated rapidly, leaving his parents devastated and searching for answers. His mother, Amber, never imagined that something as innocent as playing in the dirt could lead to such a tragedy.

Despite their unimaginable grief, Leland’s parents stayed strong and dedicated themselves to raising awareness about this rare amoebic infection. They wanted to ensure that no other family would have to suffer the same heartbreak they experienced.

Even in his young age, Leland had a habit of leaving heartfelt notes and drawings for his parents. After his passing, his parents discovered a note that he had written: “‘Still with you… Thank you mom and dad… Love.” Alongside these beautiful words, Leland had drawn a red heart and included the words “mom,” “dad,” and “love.” The note served as a poignant reminder of the deep bond that existed between Leland and his parents.

Losing a child is an unimaginable pain that no words can fully capture. Finding such a precious note must have brought a mix of emotions for Leland’s parents—hope, gratitude, and a profound reminder of just how much he meant to them. Though their grief is ever-present, may this family find solace and peace in their cherished memories of Leland.