Pat Sajak, the beloved host of the popular game show Wheel of Fortune, found himself at the center of controversy after asking co-host Vanna White a personal question. While the audience in the studio responded with groans, viewers at home misinterpreted the question, leading to an onslaught of criticism against Sajak for allegedly harassing White.

The incident took place during Wednesday night’s episode, as Sajak engaged in casual conversation with White after contestant Ashley Fabian’s impressive win. Considering Fabian’s background as an opera singer, Sajak thought it would be fitting to discuss opera with his co-host during the credits.

Sajak asked White if she was an opera buff, to which she replied, “Yes, I enjoy opera.” He then proceeded to ask, “Have you ever watched opera in the buff? I’m just curious.” This remark elicited a mix of laughter and groans from the audience.

Remaining professional, White maintained her smile while politely shutting down Sajak’s line of questioning. She firmly responded with a “no,” making it clear that she did not wish to pursue the topic any further.

Unfortunately, the situation quickly escalated on social media, with viewers accusing Sajak of making inappropriate and harassing comments on the show. Tweets flooded in, expressing shock and disapproval at the seemingly suggestive question.

One Twitter user wrote, “I feel like I just witnessed a #metoo moment on Wheel of Fortune?” Another user questioned, “Did Pat Sajak just ask Vanna White if she watches the opera naked?” Many viewers expressed concern over the implications of such remarks, especially given the show’s wide audience, which includes children.

While some fans called for Sajak’s removal from the show, others acknowledged that his comment, though inappropriate, did not necessarily warrant cancellation. However, the incident sparked a broader conversation about generational differences and what is considered acceptable humor.

Critics argued that Sajak’s joke reflected a generational divide, with some suggesting that older audiences may find such behavior amusing, while younger viewers find it cringe-worthy and inappropriate. The incident underscored the need for greater awareness and sensitivity in a rapidly changing cultural landscape.

Despite the controversy, Pat Sajak and Vanna White remain iconic figures on Wheel of Fortune. It is yet to be seen whether Sajak’s comment will lead to any long-term consequences or serve as a catalyst for reflection and change within the show’s production.