In 1965, Paul Harvey’s Warning Was Broadcast: Today, It’s Sadly Come True

In 1965, Paul Harvey, a renowned radio commentator, shared a broadcast that turned out to be eerily prophetic. For over forty years, he reached millions of people each week with his program, making his words highly influential. Little did anyone know that his words would eventually come true after fifty-three years, sending a chill down our spines when we look back at his announcement.

In his speech, Paul Harvey begins with a hypothetical scenario: “If I were the Devil…” He proceeds to discuss various societal issues that we still face today. It’s astonishing how accurate he was fifty-four years ago.

“If I were the Prince of Darkness, I would want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I would aim to control a significant portion of its land and a large majority of its population. However, my ultimate goal would be to seize the ripest apple on the tree—the United States.”

Paul Harvey describes a deliberate plan to accomplish this, starting with a campaign of whispers. He claims to whisper to individuals, just as the serpent whispered to Eve, encouraging them to “Do as you please.” He further explains his strategy of convincing the younger generation that the Bible is a mere myth, persuading them that man created God and not the other way around. He promotes the notion that what is considered bad is actually good, while labeling what is good as old-fashioned. He also urges the younger married couples to prioritize social events over work and warns against being too extreme in matters of religion, patriotism, and moral conduct.

As for the older generation, he proposes teaching them to pray, saying, “Our father which are in Washington.” Paul Harvey emphasizes the importance of organizing this agenda systematically. He suggests educating authors to produce sensational and immoral literature, making anything else appear dull and uninteresting. He even goes so far as to threaten the film industry with even dirtier movies, creating a vicious circle. Additionally, he advocates infiltrating unions and encouraging laziness over hard work, taking advantage of idle hands. He mentions peddling narcotics to those who would indulge and supplying alcohol to the upper class, while tranquilizing the rest with pills.

Next, he targets the education system, advising schools to focus solely on intellectual development and neglect emotional discipline, allowing emotions to run wild. He suggests using an atheist as a spokesperson before the highest courts and persuading preachers to align with this viewpoint. With flattery and the promise of power, he aims to sway the courts against God and in favor of pornography. His plan is to gradually oust God from the courthouse, then the schoolhouse, and eventually the Houses of Congress. Finally, he proposes replacing religion with psychology and elevating science as a deity.

He takes a jab at traditional holidays, suggesting that Easter be symbolized by an egg and Christmas by a bottle. Lastly, he claims that if he were Satan, he would continue his destructive path, slowly leading the whole world into chaos and damnation.

Personally, I used to listen to Paul Harvey with my mom in the 70s, and I must say, he was incredibly accurate in his assessments. Everything he mentioned fifty-four years ago is exactly what we are witnessing now.

Please take a moment to listen to his thought-provoking speech in the video below and share your thoughts.