Sometimes in life, we all feel like we’ve been unfairly treated. And in those moments, revenge can be quite tempting. While taking revenge may feel satisfying, it often comes with its own set of problems. Not everyone is willing to take such risks, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t interested in hearing about others’ revenge stories. So, let’s dive into these stories of sweet revenge and experience them vicariously.

1. Cutting the Line? Not Today!

Imagine being at an amusement park, ready to go on a brand new ride after waiting in line. Suddenly, you spot people with purple wristbands entering a different queue. You and your girlfriend decide to follow them, only to realize that the line is meant for those with fast passes. But, unfortunately, a lady and her son with green wristbands try to cut in front of you. You kindly inform them that the line is for purple wristbands only, but they disregard your advice. Eventually, their attempt to bypass the rules gets them kicked off the ride they so desperately wanted to experience. Karma!

2. The Stubborn Woman and the Elevator

As an elevator technician, you often come across people who are impatient. One day, while you’re working on replacing an emergency light in an elevator, a woman with a barely-filled grocery bag demands to use the elevator. You explain that it will take about an hour to complete the work, but she insists on using it immediately. After a brief exchange, she sits down to wait. You decide to teach her a lesson and intentionally delay the repairs. The stubborn woman’s impatience leads to her getting stuck in the elevator for even longer. Mission accomplished!

3. Cyclist vs. Road-Raging Driver

As a college student who commutes to campus on your bicycle, you often encounter drivers who disrespect cyclists. One particular driver repeatedly tries to intimidate you by trying to brake-check you. You share your story with your friend who works as an EMT, and together, you come up with a plan to catch this road-raging driver. With the help of a campus police officer, you successfully expose the driver’s reckless behavior as he crashes into the back of the police car while trying to cut you off. As a result, the driver faces multiple charges and has to cover the expenses of repairing the police car and your broken ebike. Justice served!

These revenge stories remind us that sometimes, life has a way of balancing things out. While seeking revenge may not always be the best course of action, it’s still satisfying to see those who have wronged us face the consequences of their actions. So, next time someone tries to cut in line, provoke you on the road, or mess with you in an elevator, remember that karma might just be waiting around the corner.