We often view our spouse as the person we know the best and trust the most. But sometimes, things aren’t always as they appear. Today’s tale comes from someone who keeps secrets from their partner and has decided to anonymously share their story.

The Story:

Picture this: My phone battery was running low while my husband and I enjoyed our dinner at a quaint restaurant. To conserve the battery for later, I decided to turn it off. But on our way home, I suddenly couldn’t find my phone. Panic set in as I frantically searched my bag and the car, but it was nowhere to be found.

I was convinced I had left it back at the restaurant. Despite my husband’s annoyance, we drove an hour back to the place. With the manager’s assistance, we scoured the restaurant, but the phone seemed to have vanished.

In my anxious state, I slipped my hand into my jacket pocket and what do you know? My phone was there the entire time. Wanting to avoid further embarrassment after causing so much trouble, I figured I couldn’t admit to my blunder.

I told my husband, “Let me check the restrooms.” When I came back, I pretended to be relieved and fibbed that I had found the phone on a toilet tank. This is a secret I will never reveal to my husband.