When visiting a new country, it’s always fascinating to learn about its unique customs and traditions. However, there are times when certain behaviors can leave you taken aback. Just ask Paulina, a TikTok user (@paulinappa_0), who recently experienced such a moment during her visit to the Rainbow Oaks Restaurant in Southern California.

The Rainbow Oaks Restaurant, described as a cozy lodge-like eatery serving breakfast all day and night, has a long-standing tradition of playing the American national anthem daily. Unaware of this practice, Paulina was caught off guard when “The Star-Spangled Banner” began to play.

In a video she shared on TikTok, we witness the powerful scene unfold. As the anthem fills the restaurant, everyone around Paulina stands quietly with their right hands over their hearts, displaying their respect and patriotism. Meanwhile, Paulina and her friend remained seated, enjoying their pancakes.

Viewers from outside the United States were left astonished by the video, unable to comprehend the intensity and significance of this patriotic display. One TikTok user from Australia expressed their surprise, stating that they only hear their national anthem during the Olympics and ANZAC Day. Similarly, someone from Spain commented that this would completely freak them out, as they rarely hear their national anthem. Another comment compared the experience to a scene from a horror movie, emphasizing the feeling of being the only person not standing.

Interestingly, even some Americans were taken aback by the video. However, the majority took the opportunity to defend their love for the national anthem and the pride they feel for their country. One viewer sarcastically questioned the danger Paulina mentioned, highlighting the fact that everyone was focused on showing respect for the flag and not paying attention to her.

After the video went viral, Jeanene Paulino, the owner of Rainbow Oaks, responded to the backlash. In an interview with Fox & Friends First, she expressed her enthusiasm in continuing the tradition. Jeanene comes from a long line of patriots and believes it is crucial to take a few moments out of the day to be grateful for the sacrifices made by men and women, enabling citizens to express their thoughts and feelings freely.

Jeanene Paulino and her restaurant are unyielding in their dedication to keeping the tradition alive, despite differing opinions. The video serves as a reminder of the diverse ways in which people express their national pride, making for a truly eye-opening experience for those who are not accustomed to such displays.